Wednesday, October 31, 2012

weather tricks and real treats

I know people have raised an eyebrow or two at the fact that we made the choice to stay aboard the boat with children in the path of a hurricane, nay a SUPER STORM.

Well, you can watch CNN and listen to the news and shake in your boots and run for your life screaming that the sky is falling, or you can actually learn how to find and interpret first hand the weather charts that are available free and in real time from NOAA and various other weather tracking agencies. That's what we do. And though from the news headlines said "the East Coast was going to be swallowed by a Zombie Dragon End of the World Stormagedon", we could plainly see by reading the charts and models that our neck of the woods tucked up in the Chesapeake Bay was expecting at most a 2-3 foot storm surge that would be mostly negated by a strong northern wind, which would be changing to a south wind around midnight Monday and enhanced by a full moon. And the winds over all would not exceed 70mph which is totally manageable in our protected corner or water. And guess what, that's exactly what happened. Exactly.

The wind gave us a bump and a jostle, but nothing out of the ordinary as boats are made to take on winds. And the water came right up to the docks, but not above. And the worst fall out for our family was discovering 3 new leaks with all that rain and me getting a wicked nasty sinus infection.

The kids found ways to pass the time...

And before we knew it, we were back to normal and getting ready for Halloween.

Which brings me to my next rant. I understand not wanting your 1-2-3 year old to eat candy. We certainly didn't let Naia have any trick-or-treats, placating her with pistachios and honey sticks while she ran around trying to keep up with the big kids. But for crunchy hippy families like us who live healthy and clean and sugar free-ish 364 days of the year, why on earth would one deny older kids the joy or gorging themselves silly for one day a year? Sugar Fairies and Switch Witches are, in my opinion, a crazy indulgent way for parents to control their ideas of how Halloween should be. It's not about us. It's about having one day a a year where kids don't worry about grow foods or warm clothes or being loud or staying up too late or running in the dark up the street or howling at the moon. It's about treats and imagination and ghost stories that you don't quite understand but make your spine tingle, and stepping outside yourself to be anything and everything. It's about the kids getting to be kids rather than little green smoothie drinking, eco-conscious, mini-adults. Let them just be. It's ONE day. Have some fun.


  1. Judging by some of your wording, I'm going to take a stab in the dark and guess some people have told you that you are doing it wrong.

    For what it is worth, you're not. You are living your lives and raising your children as you see fit, with more love evident than most people. Trying one's hardest at parenting is succeeding, especially when the outcome is bright, engaged, contributory members of our species.

  2. I felt compelled to write a few things - My family is all in Queens, NY - which has been devastated. I am up in Boston and felt almost no affects of the storm. I think that because of your knowledge of weather patterns & reading such things you were able to make an educated decision. I know many people spend Sunday night and Monday in their homes that were destroyed because they thought the storm wouldn't be THAT bad - and it was. Those people risked the lives of many 1st responders and that frustrates me to my core. Some even decided to throw hurricane parties with beer, wine and liquor. Its crazy to me!

    About the candy - I have to wholeheartedly agree with you. It was our indulgence as kids. We loved the holidays because it was a chance to do something out of the ordinary. Everyone has a right to raise their children as they wish - but I hope that I'm able to let go a little bit on celebrations such as Halloween and let my future kids just be kids!

    I'm glad you are all safe and sound & enjoying life.

  3. So happy you guys had a relatively easy time of it.

    I think the idea of the Sugar Fairy stinks. Forbid those sweets and they become even more tantalizing. I'm of the let em eat it until the get sick and then junk loses its appeal and we can go back to eating a balanced and healthy diet.

    Zach makes the best Lone Ranger ever. Naia, a beautiful chirpy little bird. Happy Halloween!

  4. Whew! That water was RIGHT up to the dock, wasn't it?!

    We do the Halloween Fairy, but the kids actually love it. We let them save out their favorite pieces of their trick-or-treat stash before setting it out for the fairy to collect. Even though Philip is at his mom's for Halloween this year, he's actually saving his candy to bring back to our house because he wants to do the Halloween Fairy. (Paul opted not to, which is fine too.) I guess it's all in how your family feels or portrays the situation. My kids feel sorry for their friends who don't have a Halloween Fairy. ;)

  5. I'll admit I was a little worried about you when I heard a report about surge in the Chesapeake Bay (but I never thought you didn't know what you were doing). Glad you weathered the storm just as you expected.

  6. I totally agree! Halloween is supposed to be crazy and wild and fun and full of sugar. Everything in moderation and once and awhile even moderation needs to be thrown out the window...Bless you and glad you are well.

  7. Lilia~ I feel the same way. It's maddening when people are in harms way and don't evacuate. I guess my point was, with modern technology and because hurricanes can be tracked so easily, it's pretty easy to tell if you are in harms way or not. It the storm were a cat 2 or had veered just a little south, we would have put the boat in a hurricane hole and evacuated too. I just wish the news media was more specific and less theatrical about the forecast.

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