Saturday, October 31, 2009


It started with the party.

I don't have many photos of the action because I lost my camera in the sea of 24 kids and their accompanying adults.
(a jellyfish and an angel - do they get any sweeter than this?!)

It was a wild rumpus for sure and the icing on the cake was our neighbor/ magician who put on a show for the kids and even stayed late into the night after we'd cleaned up still doing tricks for the little night owls of the gang.

My little Max the Wild Thing certainly got in to character while in costume... making mischief of one sort or another.

And on Halloween night the rain held off just long enough for the marina kids to take the water taxi into the historic neighborhoods...

... and make the rounds.

Even the grown ups got "treats" as neighbors were handing out glasses of wine!
The kids got so much candy so fast that Zach started saying, "No thank you" after about 3 blocks. Tail dragging in the rain puddles, we went home just before the downpour, tasted candies, and put the rest under his pillow for the Sugar Fairy.

Happy Halloween to all!

p.s. new post over at etsydotmom this morning!


  1. I love the Max costume! Looks like you had a super fun day. The "sugar fairy" is a great idea, too. May have to invite her to our house. :)

  2. Looks like a fun party! You make me want to go out and buy a boat and hang with you guys! Love the pictures!

  3. I don't even know where to start...there are so many magical moments captured in these pics. The amazing party, the fabulous Max, the water taxi ride to trick-or-treating. It's all so good!

  4. beautiful photos! A magical evening for sure. The costume turned out splendid and I Love the jellyfish costume too. That's brilliant.

    We're waiting for the kid to wake up here to see what the Great Pumpkin left him.

  5. Max looks great! ;) Seriously, I wish you guys lived closer. The party looks like a blast. How did the sugar fairy go? Was Zach thrilled?

  6. Anonymous1:24 AM

    I'm so happy to be able to visit your life and see all your terrific photos. I have to say besides Max the Jellyfish was my favorite.
