Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Gift Of Giving

I loiter around the blogs of Super Crafty Mamas hoping to glean a good idea or two that a completely creative rookie like myself can tackle with my sweet boy. So after signing up for the Seasons Round Exchange in a fit of spontaneity, I got major cold feet. I immediately felt sorry for whoever my partner was going to be.  What was I thinking?! I can't knit, sew, paint, carve, the list goes on.

It was a stroke of inspiration to be paired with Mary at Poppies and Milk. When I perused her blog and etsy shop and saw how talented this mama was I didn't want to disappoint her. It made me dig deep rather than chicken out. I used what I had around me and wasn't afraid to ask crafty neighbors for tips and help (thanks SuperJen!)

What an amazing thing to create something with your own two hands for a complete stranger. It was almost easier and more freeing than trying to make something for friends and family who I know too well. My second guesses tend to eclipse my meager creative instincts. But having a clean plate and an aura of creative energy from Mary made the whole experience enjoyable rather than nerve wracking.

But nothing could be more enjoyable than opening the incredible package today that Mary sent me. Feast your eyes on this!
(a very excited boy poses with our bounty of light. that fabulous little tree has a fish button and a whale button and a beautiful mother of pearl button on the other side. you'll have to take my word for it due to my camera situation.)

(the detail on this watercolor poem is amazing. the two sections are stitched together as is the star. beautiful sentiment beautifully presented!)
(i have a weak spot for beautiful paper and i feel like the luckiest mama in the world tonight with that gorgeous watercolor notebook. and the garland is all my favorite colors! zach LOVES the little walnut candles and jewels. the beeswax ornament is already hanging and smelling divine.)

Mary wasn't the only person I've been making things for who I don't "know". Nicole over at Gardenmama has a heart as big as the full moon. She met a bloggy mama, Kelly, who is battling cancer and put out the call for others to make her season bright by creating an ornament to give her strength and hope. I have to say, it was hard to even read Nicole's initial email because I lost my own mama to cancer, and the whole thing hit a little close to home. But I read it. And I am glad I did. Making something for The Wellness Tree was such a meditative endeavor. It took strength and hope and light to make it happen, and I only wish that a little of that was passed on to this brave mama Nicole is so warmly reaching out to.

Thank you Nicole. Thank you Kelly. Thank you Mary for giving me the gift of giving.


  1. Dear Cindy,
    I keep coming back to this comment and am not sure how to even put it into words... every ornament that has come in for the wellness tree is incredibly beautiful and even more importantly so filled with love. When I opened your package it was wrapped up and you had a note along with it and as you know I asked your permission to even open your ornament or post your sentiments because just holding it in my hands was a very powerful experience and forced me to sit down and the tears came. Your ornament specifically has stayed with me. A big bright smiling golden beeswax sun! What a positive symbol, I know your story and I know what went into making this for Kelly it is much more than an ornament or a wish. I feel blessed to have been able to hold this love in my hands and with gentle care and much love of my own look forward to mailing out each and every ornament. (sorry that I wrote a book here) I just truly wanted you to know your own strength is such a powerful thing to pass on to Kelly and I can't imagine that was easy for you while thinking of your own mama. xo

  2. love all the pretty items!! I was just saying (as I was checking out the flikr exchange photos) that I am amazed at the creations that you all have made! It is inspiring and I wanted to run to my stash of felt immediately after checking out the exchange.
    My son and I love to read your blog :)

  3. What an amazing exchange! I love what you gave and what you received. :) So special!

  4. lucky to be part of the exchange and beautiful package. i am marking my calender for the next sign ups and my watch. beautiful ornament for the wellness tree. thank you for sharing :)

  5. GardenMama - thank you for being an inspiration!

    Cat- you should join the spring exchange! It is loads of fun!

    TanFam - Thank you! You should watch out for the spring sign ups too!

    Christine - thank you for your kind words. Definitely mark your calendar to sign up, I think it's going to fill fast!
