Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Back In The Saddle

My sweet boy has been moping around ever since we had to stop horse back riding lessons. It's been a year or so, I think. There were a variety of reasons but a little sister in tow was the major factor. The barn we were going to was too far away and required a level of parent involvement that wasn't possible with a wee one at my side. So we stopped. But a new riding opportunity that was close by and affordable and didn't require me to be near the stinky beasts horses materialized, so now he gets to ride.
"Mama, I would drop every other activity I have, but I would never give up riding," he tells me.
Little Miss Naia is tickled to death to play around the farm, chase the barn cats (squealing MEOW MEOW madly as they dash away), and jibber jabber to the horses.
It's a win-win on this farm. A fabulous mentor for my boy, loads of distractions for my girl. And I am happy just soaking up the beauty of the place.
And maybe, just maybe I'll start learning to love not to hate these horse critters so much.