Thursday, July 25, 2013

spit and shine

There is nothing that will get the less tidy members of our crew cracking on the boat cleaning more than an impending guest. And this isn't just any guest... it's GRANDMA! So Legos were plucked out of the bilge, heads were scrubbed with an old toothbrush, those bags of books and clothes that needed to be donated were finally hauled out, the galley sink was fixed, new pillows were purchased, and of course the whole boat got one big bath.

Naia needed a job to do, "I wanna help toooo-ooooo!" So we gave her a squirt bottle and she marched around the decks feeling very important indeed about spraying down everything with water. Zach is old enough that he actually can do meaningful work (huzzah huzzah) and truly scrubbed half the boat all by himself.

I love this boat to the moon and back, but man when we are washing the 10 acres of deck space I long for a 30 foot monohull.