Friday, August 19, 2011

~this moment~ mutiny

The Dyneema Experience Challenge is drawing to a close in one month and I have the honor of being the only team that Dyneema and New England Ropes has not provided with the free re-rig we were promised in winning the contest. Other teams are competing for a trip to Spain by blogging, tweeting, and otherwise loving all over the new rigging they've had since April. No chance at Spain for me because I can't blab about something I don't have. But I can blab about not having it. It is a social media competition afterall.

How can you help? Throw your weight behind my pal Cidnie. She is the only American and the only cruiser (as opposed to racers who have loads of money and influence to help them win) and the only mom in the final running. The only thing holding her back is followers. Just click and sign here where it says "follow  me" to support her bid.

And if you're feeling surly, click on the FB pages linked above for New England Ropes and Dyneema and tell them what you think of running a contest without supplying all of the competitors with the tools they need to compete.

Happy Weekend and thanks!
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