Sunday, October 26, 2014

we have a pumpkin problem

Hello. I am here today to talk about our pumpkin problem. You see, we have an absolutely ridiculous amount of pumpkins, especially for people who live on a sailboat. The kids LOVE pumpkins, in a deep, unnatural way. And I will admit I have a thing for them too. And this is the time of year when everywhere we go someone is handing us an orange, lumpy sphere of happiness. Every fall festival or homeschool outing or trip to get groceries somehow results in another pumpkin. The orange rascals are everywhere.

And so when we want to go sailing, we end up with a scene like this.

And that's not even all of them... sigh.

We made the grave mistake a week or so ago of heading out on a rough evening sail with all of the pumpkins in tow. One of the huge heavy ones went flying across the cockpit and nearly clobbered poor Naia. From then on I told Zach is was his job to get them all off the boat before we cast off. Well, almost all. Big Bertha stayed because honestly I think she weighs more than Zach does. She is the white gorda gourd under the fairy house in this photo...

Zach saw this set up at a local farm, and said, "Oh mommy can we build something like that on the boat?" Nooooooooooooooooo!

Some will be carved, some are just adorning the boat au naturel, some will become candles, and some I am giving away to unsuspecting visitors. Hello, welcome aboard! Can I offer you a pumpkin or a glass of wine or maybe a pumpkin?

And with each pumpkin acquisition of course comes the gratuitous pumpkin photos that every parent in America takes this time of year.

So, anyone have some pumpkin recipes they want to share ;)
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