(A thank you side note to my friend Mary for sending the unfinished pants with that amazing box of goodies. Looks, the pants are finished now! A true collaboration!)
These curved dips in the floor and the verticals make standard teak & holly boat flooring a no go. We need something flexible (like carpet) that can move with the curves in the layout of the floor.
So while we wait for installation... I wanted to share some news from friends. First my pal Anni Daulter just launched a gorgeous and empowering new website called Sacred Pregnancy. While I don't consider myself sacred and hope never to be pregnant again, it's still a lovely resource and one I have been checking regularly. She is hosting fabulous give aways, posting mouth water recipes, and sharing wonderful parenting articles too. Drop into the Sacred Pregnancy Facebook page and give them a like. Check out the upcoming Sacred Pregnancy book. And stay tuned here in the coming week or so for a wonderful giveaway of Anni's other book which I can't seem to stop reading.
Also remember my pal Creighton who has generously given away his beautiful Honeypots here in the past? He is trying to kickstart a new program called the Honeypot Floatotshoot Tour. He's using his beeswax art to draw attention to the importance of preserving and cleaning up America's watersheds. Check out his stunning photos and help if you can.
Phew... ok now back to the flooring.