Monday, December 07, 2015

because december

Winter and I have a rocky relationship. There’s a lot of name calling, resentment, cold stares, and chilly silences between us. 

 But maybe, just maybe she’s trying to to offer an olive branch. It’s firmly mid-December and we’re still not wrapped in shrink wrap for the season. We’re still keeping hatches open. We’re still only in jackets some of the time, and even brave bare feet here and there.

 The 10 day forecast calls for mild with a chance of lovely. So why not? Why not accept the meteorological peace offering and take the boat out, even while I am writing holiday cards. Why not put a hat on and with those sunglasses and make the most of it. 

 We gathered whoever was walking by on the dock and some old, dear friends and pointed the bows towards the sunshine. Everyone else has run away to southern latitudes or gone into shrink wrapped hibernation, but we’re saying let’s do this. Let’s keep going until winter has a change of heart.

(Sparkles on the water, nature's tinsel.)

(Zach and Choo Choo hiding under a quilt.)

(These two have been friends for 9 years. Always warms my heart when they are together.)

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