As for celebrating, well second children (and subsequent ones I am sure) make you simmer down and ease up on many-a-parenting thing. For Zach's first birthday we had a shindig. I cooked, I decorated, I stressed. And of course what did he care, he was ONE! We decided we are not throwing birthday parties for numero dos until she is old enough to ask for one. And even then, they will remain small and casual like we try to do with Zach.
So with all that in mind we had a small afternoon cake affair inside on a pouring rain day.
I finished the birthday crown! (I battled with the $@#&*(# sewing machine until 2am one night and then gave up and hand sewed the whole thing.)
For Naia I made organic pumpkin muffins and topped it with the homemade whipped cream. She of course did not eat any of it, but did decide to stick her entire face in it... of course!
Zach took great pleasure in showing her what a gift was and how to open them. Funny how little ones have zero instinct for this ritual.
Frankly, she could care less about the few little things we gave her as gifts. Her favorite part was the candle and the singing. Oh yes, more please. Clap clap clap!
One year old stats:
Favorite food: mama's milk
Favorite word: Hi! (to everybody and everything including wind) and Dada!
Favorite song: Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack
Favorite book: tie between Jamberry and I Am A Bunny
Favorite animal: dog
Favorite play thing: big brother of course!
p.s. Don't forget to enter the fabulous GIVEAWAY for Manzanita Kids! Entries will be open through Friday.