Monday, April 06, 2009

Dear Zach... love President Obama

So back in November Zach heard on NPR that then candidate Barack Obama's grandma died in Hawaii. That really hit home for Z because his grandparents live in Hawaii, and he loves them dearly. So he decided to write Senator Obama a condolence letter. Since it was just a few days before the election, we sent it off to his senate office address.

I sorted the mail on Saturday and almost fell over when I saw a letter to Zach from The White House!

"Zach, you have a letter here."

"Who's it from?"

"President Obama."

"Oh, I KNEW he wouldn't forget me, I knew it!"

Sure it was a form letter, but it made this little boy's day.

He wants to write back again. I think he thinks they're penpals now.


Masasa said...

OMG! My kids pretend to call Obama on the phone all the time. I am pretty sure they would think they were penpals with Obama in Zach's shoes too.

I love that he got a letter back, even a form letter.

Anonymous said...

oh wow- now we are really inspired to write- that is so fun!

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